Thursday, 3/21/2024

**All Courses will be held in the Lower Conference Center**

"Drive the Road Leadership" | 8:00 - 11:30


Upon completion of the training, attendees will understand the leadership traits that make a good leader, and they will know their own leadership style. Attendees will be given tools to resolve conflict and will learn how accountability leads to a positive work environment. They will be taught the step-by-step process to counsel an employee and understand the importance of 360-degree communication within their organization. Attendees will also learn the instructors’ Drive the Road leadership philosophy and be able to apply it to their own leadership toolbox.


Paul Laney and Mary Phillippi have over 50 years of combined leadership experience in a multitude of roles. Their unique knowledge and scenario-based approach to learning will allow their students to immediately take what they have learned back into tier work environment.

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